Saturday, October 1, 2011

This is how We play

Yesterday, my Sis and I went out for shopping. We went to our favorite 'thrift shop'. They are on BIG SALE! YAY! Finally I bought my dream floral blazer (I wore in the last photo), I'm always dreaming for a perfect floral blazer that will fit my size, weeee HAPPY.. I left the store with a BIG SMILE on my face. HA! And oohh we also bought these cute  'False Eye Lashes', a Liquid Eye Liner and for Strip lashes.  

We tried to take some head shots. The result was not so perfect because we're not professionals but we're trying to be one. Geez. Actually I really don't know If I wanted to be a model or a photographer or BOTH??

Here are the sample shots. Thank you AGAIN to my tripod and remote control for these shots. I'll post our masterpiece SOON!